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Radiobiology Calculator for Gap Management in Radiotherapy Version-2 available for free download...

Updated: Sep 2, 2020

An updated version (Version-2) of the Gap correction Excel sheet designed by Prof. T. Ganesh based on the recommendations of the Royal college of Radiologists, United Kingdom is available for free download under the resources.

Now more cells are automatic, cells don't get filled with rubbish (like ######) if input data is missing....instead cells will be empty...

There were some drawbacks in the Excel sheet done earlier....they have been corrected...

Now completely INDEPENDENT three options are there.....

You are free to use your google, face book or create own login accounts to download the all files. You may also find the the recorded webinar in the Videos.

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2022년 3월 16일

Kindly email this excel sheet for "Radiobiology Calculator for Gap Management in Radiotherapy Version-2" on following address please, as i could not find it here.


Oncorace Foundation
Oncorace Foundation
2020년 10월 01일

Please click on the file under resources subsection radiobiology and Prof. T Ganesh, then it will be downloaded.


Abdul Basit
Abdul Basit
2020년 9월 07일

Sir kindly email this excel sheet for "Radiobiology Calculator for Gap Management in Radiotherapy Version-2" on following address please, as i could not find it here.

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